Andrew KarrComment

Summer Aesthetic Part 2: Michaux State Forest Adventure Camp on Kodak Portra 160 35mm film

Andrew KarrComment
Summer Aesthetic Part 2: Michaux State Forest Adventure Camp on Kodak Portra 160 35mm film

Summer 2021

words and photos by Andy

Summertime can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

To Great Eskape it means sweaty, unstructured adventure rides surrounded by Appalachian tunnels of green foliage and oppressive humidity. To escape the humidity but embrace the green tunnels we set up a team base camp in Michaux State Forest and enjoyed 3 days of mixed surface adventure riding in the rugged PA backcountry. The riding was hard, but prime, and the warm temperatures made the many water crossings a relief.

To me as a photographer summer means Kodak Portra ASA160. The low speed film produces wonderfully warm and vibrant colors, but requires a lot of sun to capture images. No better time than a midsummer campout to shoot through a roll of it. Below you’ll find the second “summer aesthetic” collection of 35mm photographs capturing Great Eskape in our element. Shot on my Minolta X-570 35mm SLR.